Sunday, February 10, 2013

Story Kit app

Check out this post on one of the Manchester cohort's blogs.  It is about a free app called Story Kit (I think for the iPad).  Kids can draw pictures for a story, type words, and record themselves reading the story.  I think some of my reluctant writers would love it.  The teacher who posted it also uses it to create her own mentor text for writing.


  1. Thanks for sharing, I will have to check out this app more and see if it is something I can use with my students or even just with my own son.

  2. Thanks for sharing this! It sounds like a great idea, and I will definitely check it out!

  3. That is a great idea that I am going to "borrow" for my iPad Wiki for our class. Thanks!

  4. Two people in the Manchester Cohort used the StoryKit app, and they both shared how easy it was to send the students' work to parents. One teacher works in a school system which in a low economy community, and the parents had little knowledge of the use of technology in the school. However, they loved seeing the StoryKit student project. This kind of parent contact can help schools amass parental support for tech tools in the schools. Parents need to understand how the tools promote literacy, and the use of StoryKit was a good beginning.The other teacher who used StoryKit was Lesley, and she learned about the app from Abbey. Abbey brought her own Ipad to school. Students had to share her personal iPad to create the StoryKit digital story. It was also an excellent way to introduce students to a unit on persuasive/opinion writing. Hopefully, more of these positive learning experiences will result in more funding or grants related to the appropriate use of technology tools.
