Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I've Been Social Bookmarking and Didn't Know It!

I didn't know that my addiction to Pinterest was really social bookmarking.  I love the ease of finding things quickly on a certain topic.  It is also interesting to share ideas with your friends who follow you.  I think that Diigo is more powerful, however, when it comes to research and organizing information for school and work.  It could be that I feel that way because I am using Pinterest for crafts, recipes, and lesson ideas.  I don't usually find articles or more "formal" information that I have in my Diigo bookmarks.

Here are some books I found on Pinterest for Ground Hog Day coming up this Saturday.


  1. I felt the same way when I learned about social bookmarking! I have been doing it and didn't know it! I still prefer Pinterest to Diigo because I feel that it is more user friendly and visually appealing. Diigo is very useful as an educator, however, because I can save a wider variety of classroom resources. I think they are both amazing tools!

  2. Thanks, Diana! Great book suggestions. I too love pinterest and find great teaching ideas. I wish we had started Diigo in the beginning of this program, we could have filled it with all the articles we have read over the year.

  3. OMG! Soooooo true lol!!! I felt the same way that you did, Jessica, but Diigo is def. growing on me. It is a great professional resource. I love that it keeps the information organized. Lucy: I agree. This would have so helpful throughout the program!
